Comitato per il Parco "ANTONIO CEDERNA"
"Tutta l'Italia va trattata come un parco e alla rigorosa salvaguardia dei valori del suo territorio va rigorosamente subordinata ogni ipotesi di trasformazione e sviluppo: perchè non venga definitivamente distrutta l'identità culturale l'integrità fisica del nostro Paese" Antonio Cederna
The Comitato per il Parco was founded in November 1994 and is a non-profit and politically non-partisan organization created to protect and preserve the vestiges of the original Parco di Monza complex which includes Parco, Villa Reale and its Gardens. The Comitato views this complex as an international source of asset to be held in safekeeping for future generations and the primary goal is to preserve the features of this natural and historic treasure . The Parco di Monza was funded in September 8, 1805 by a Napoleon decree. It is a real green asset in a highly crowded area. Approximately 60,000 people visit it on a Sunday in May (Official Source).
The Comitato encourages public use of the areas and premises of the Park as a whole. The source of this asset has in fact a prevailing environmental, historic, cultural, and tourist significance, together with the capability of welcoming a large number of users. Listed below are profiles of the actions the Comitato implements to attain its goals:
- wide range of educational programs related to the historic and artistic values of the Park;
- organization of meetings with local Authorities to put forward useful proposals;
- awaken public opinion to the environmental needs of this area and stimulate interest and support within the cultural, political, national and European economic circles;
- notify Parliament, legal authorities and press of any non-compatible or unlawful use that may damage the Park complex, thus affecting its future and preventing people from enjoying a correct use of it.
These activities require the expertise of professionals and the Comitato is proud to be able to benefit from the informative guidance of a number of open-minded Specialists.
The late Antonio Cederna was journalist and writer. He has been one of the fathers of environmental protection in Italy and great friend of Parco di Monza.