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Blackthorn, Prunus spinosa (Rosaceae)
"this website is devoted to defending the Parco di Monza from private interest allowed by those institutions that should instead protect it as a unique historical and environmental asset".
The cities of Monza and Milan jointly can profit from a rent of 800,000 Eur/year only for the whole area granted to the racing track management. Cost per sq.meter is 0.57 Eur only for an area of 140 hectares ground inside this historical park, whereas the racing track managers pay some 11 million Eur every year to Mr. Ecclestone just to retain the F1 grand prix.
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Comitato per il Parco A. Cederna, along with domestic W.W.F. and local associations Italia Nostra and Legambiente appealed to the Administrative Court of Lombardy Region (TAR).

Reason for appealing is that 140 hectares of a historical park have been granted to Sias, the private company managing the track, for some 19 years. Additional reasons for appealing are:
The Court has rejected main points of the appeal substantially in view of the fact that the appealing associations are not entitled to step in subjects like:In other words, public assets – in this case 140 hectares of a historical park – are not to be protected from a legal viewpoint by citizens and associations.
Monza and Milan cities together only earn euro 560.000 out of the whole golf course area, that is 93 hectares of a historical park, and precisely 60 cents per square meter.
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